Saturday, May 12, 2012


At some point in our lives we have to realize that forgiveness is necessary for us to move ourselves from the dark into the light.  If we hold on to past hurts and don’t purge them we slowly poison ourselves from the inside out.  

So my job for the moment is to forgive myself for not being aware of the beautiful light that surrounded me all of my life.  My friends saw it and my potential but frankly I was dwelling in the past and not very aware of the present except for brief glimpses of what my life could be.  Moving to upstate New York was one of those glimpses.  Now that I have forgiven myself for being human I am ready to manifest a new reality.  One in which I follow my dreams and allow them to happen
I’ve also forgiven everyone else who somehow did not live up to their better angels either. Even so I realize that it was much easier to forgive them for their shortcomings then it was to forgive my own.  We walk on the earth a long time and we are bound to make mistakes but the beauty of life is that we are still awake and alive to fix them and move on.

I have such love in my heart for the beauty of light and forgiveness.  It reminds me that in every moment we make a choice, we can be good for the will of all people or we can stay imprisoned in our own mind, wondering why me.

My life is a circle, it is never ending and the next time around my circle it will be filled with love, light and happiness. I understand that although we can be hurt it is better to heal the hurt and move onwards, to make amends and be amended.

The ability to forgive and leave my burdens behind gives me the chance to love my life and share my transformation with others. Blessings to all and please remember love  starts in your own heart and your own soul.  You cannot give love to others unless you have a pretty good idea of what it is to begin with and how you can bring it into your life in any moment.  All that is necessary is centering yourself and listening to the small silent voice of peace and love in everyone.

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