Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Journey Begins

Welcome to my blog.  I am a spiritual seeker looking for light on the path to authenticity.  I am looking for the light that shines on all of us in our unique abilities and the common universal values and beliefs we all share.  My purpose in this blog is to make each person feel unique and loving towards themselves but to remind them that they are never alone, that someone else somewhere has dealt with the same issues alone. 

I myself believe in God so I will use the word God in my blog.  I also believe in the laws of the universe which are influenced by the many different cultures and religions across the globe. Finally, I feel a belief in anything makes us all part of this unique universe and transcends any one religion.
We are all loved and created in God’s image.  All of us having unique abilities and traits that if we just paid attention  would empower us to find peace and connectivity within our universe and serve our collective purposes.

I feel I have a unique ability to communicate with people having an empathetic ear and a compassionate heart. Having lived a life with many different joys and sorrows has allowed me to be compassionate from a knowing place.  I can relate to anything and I can show my fellow human beings that they are not alone.  We are all important and everybody is somebody.  I can find something that inspires me about every person I come into contact with.  Whether it be their kindness or their smile or their story.

I hope to uncover the universal things we share in common and the uniqueness we alone carry.  I feel it is my calling to unite instead of divide.  I am inspired to show the beauty ,light and darkness in each individual person and remind  us all that we are not alone, we are all a part of something bigger then ourselves. 

If you would like to be featured in the blog please email me at   All personal information will be kept secret unless you wish otherwise, I will know where the email came from but nobody else will.   I will however ask that if you decide to share a dark story please use general terms and not specifics because I am an empathetic person who has lived a lifetime carrying the burdens of others and I am finally walking a path of light and community myself.   Blessings and you are not alone.

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